Community Bank®

All your Banks administration tools in the one place ...

Community Bank®:

Feathertop is passionate about the development of cloud based accounting software for the Community Bank® network. Coupling the Xero software with Feathertop’s experience within Community Bank® and extensive business packages, Community Bank® companies can develop an accessible and easy alternative to traditional accounting with a view to establish a reporting and bench-marking network between all Community Bank® Branches. Exclusive to Feathertop Business Services is the Imporex™ application, further streamlining your accounting with the ability to import monthly invoices directly into Xero.

Setting Up Xero:

Feathertop provides a setup service to integrate Xero for your Community Bank®, utilising our expertise you can send us your MYOB file and within 2 days you will be off and running on Xero. We streamline the transfer process to ensure a precise starting point, assist with establishing bank feeds and ensure you’re using the standard chart of accounts. Additional to the listed benefits, we’re able to integrate your companies fixed asset register which even allows for automatic depreciation journals.

Uniting Xero with our Imporex™ application, allows Community Bank® companies to further simplify the accounting processes. Contact us now to discuss in detail, establish an account and cut through the arduous processes created by other archaic software.


  Copyright © 2013, Feathertop Pty Ltd – ABN: 12 148 125 713

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.